Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Star : Alternative Treatments for Dengue Fever

Sunday April 13, 2014

DENGUE fever is a problem that just does not seem to want to go away in Malaysia. And even worse, it seems to be escalating.

The latest report from the Health Ministry states that as of March 22, both the number of cases and deaths nationwide for the year have increased by 314% compared to the same period last year.

The number of dengue cases in the latest report totalled 23,633, while the number of deaths was 58.

The problem is not just limited to Malaysia, although we are considered an endemic dengue hotspot.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates there may be 50-100 million dengue infections globally every year, with two-fifths of the world population, or 2.5 billion people, at risk of this mosquito-borne infectious disease.

While being infected with dengue is an unpleasant experience – it is also known as breakbone fever – with typical symptoms being fever, headache, rashes, and muscle and joint pains, a healthy person’s immune system usually has no problems fighting the virus off.

The problem comes when dengue haemorrhagic fever develops.

This extreme form of the illness causes severe bleeding due to “leaky” blood vessels and delay in blood-clotting caused by low levels of platelets, which are essential in forming blood clots.

According to the WHO, an average of about 2.5% of those who develop dengue haemorrhagic fever die.

This number can exceed 20% in cases with no proper treatment, while the risk of death in those who receive the proper supportive treatment is less than 1%.

There is no cure for dengue, nor is there any vaccine for it, although there are several research teams currently working on one.

The main method of controlling this disease is via prevention; for example, ensuring that there is no stagnant water or any container where water can pool in around, fogging, using mosquito nets and repellent, and covering up or staying indoors at dawn and dusk when the Aedes mosquitoes are most active.

Medical management of dengue is purely supportive, with maintenance of the body’s fluid balance being the key objective, whether via oral rehydration therapy, intravenous fluid replacement, or in the worst-case scenario, blood transfusion.

With no definitive treatment from modern medicine available, it is not surprising that many have turned to alternative therapies for relief.

Papaya leaf juice

This is probably the most well-known alternative treatment for dengue.

Several small scientific studies have been carried out in dengue-endemic countries like India and Malaysia, looking into the efficacy of this herbal remedy.

While the results cannot be said to be definitive, due to their small study size, they are certainly promising.

The main effect of this juice lies in raising the level of platelets in dengue patients – a critical aspect of this viral infection.

One study, conducted by the Institute for Medical Research and Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, Selangor, reported that patients given papaya leaf juice showed a significant rise in their platelet levels 40 hours after first receiving the juice, compared to patients in the control group who were only on standard supportive therapy.

The open-label randomised controlled trial, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine last year, had a total of 228 participants recruited from the hospital’s dengue ward, divided almost equally between the control group and the juice group.

The patients in the juice group took the pure fresh juice extracted from 50gm of clean papaya leaves of the sekaki variety once daily for three consecutive days.

Pharmacist and holistic medicine practitioner Datuk Dr Rajen M adds that a blend of raw young papaya and papaya leaves made into a juice, taken two to three times a day, is one of the alternative therapies for dengue in Ayurvedic medicine.

He notes that consuming papaya in general is safe, and taking it does not contradict medical advice.


This hairy herb is commonly used in the Philippines as an alternative treatment for dengue fever.

Also known as gatas-gatas or by its scientific name Euphorbia hirta, it is said to increase the platelet levels in dengue patients.

A 2012 animal study conducted by pharmacy students from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, showed that a decoction of tawa-tawa did indeed increase platelet levels and decrease bleeding time in rats with induced thrombocytopenia (i.e. an abnormally low platelet level).

The Philippine’s Department of Science and Technology is currently researching the effect of this plant on dengue fever, and have stated their concern over possible toxicity resulting from overdosing on tawa-tawa.

Meanwhile, Philippine Star columnist Dr Willie T Ong said in a 2009 article that Filipino doctors in general allow dengue patients to take tawa-tawa as long as they clear it with them first.

He also explained how to prepare the herb: “Take five whole tawa-tawa plants. Cut off the roots, then wash and clean.

“Boil tawa-tawa in a pot of clean water. Pour the liquid and then let cool. Sip one glass three to four times a day.”

Traditional Chinese medicine

Inti International University Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine director and head of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) programme Dr Yong Kian Fui says that there is no cure for dengue fever in TCM either, and treatment is usually supportive based on the stage of the disease.

The acupuncturist and Chinese physician notes that because of the vague symptoms of dengue fever, most people are only diagnosed with the disease about four days after their fever starts.

TCM therapy at that stage consists of a herbal concoction based on the formulation called qin wen bai tu san.

“This helps to clear the plaque and detox the body,” he says.

Patients have to take one dose daily for three days. If their platelet levels are still low by the end of that period, Dr Yong says they would be referred to the hospital for further management.

He adds that he personally also prescribes a bitter gourd and meat soup, which should be double-boiled for two hours.

While the meat can be from any animal, including fish, it is crucial that the seeds in the bitter gourd must be included in the soup.

“According to TCM theory, bitter gourd is used to clear ‘fire’ and to detox the body.

“The meat neutralises the bitter gourd, so that it doesn’t become too ‘cooling’.”

Ayuverdic medicine

Dr Rajen explains that there are four ways to treat dengue patients according to Ayuverdic medicine.

Two methods are targeted at boosting the patient’s blood production and providing an antiviral effect: the papaya fruit and leaf juice mix mentioned earlier, and juice made from pegaga leaves, also known as India pennywort or Centella asiatica.

According to Dr Rajen, one dose of the pegaga juice is the amount obtained from juicing one handful of leaves.

The other two treatments are mainly applied for their general antiviral properties.

One is cow or goat colostrum, which can be drunk as often as desired. Colostrum is the first secretion from the animal’s mammary glands before the milk comes out.

The other is turmeric, which can be added to the patient’s food or milk.

Friday, April 11, 2014

新生嬰兒黃疸 Neonatal Jaundice

黃疸 ( Jaundice ),俗称黃病,是一种因人体血液中的胆紅素 ( bilirubin ) 浓度增高,所引起的皮膚、黏膜和眼球鞏膜等部份发黃的症狀。某些肝脏病、膽囊病和血液病经常會引发黃疸的症狀。


胆红素是衰老紅血球 ( red blood cell )上的血紅素分解所生的产物,胆红素藉由血流被送至肝脏 ( liver ),此時称为未结合型胆红素 ( unconjugated bilirubin ),进入肝脏的胆红素经由庫佛氏細胞 ( Kupffer cells ) 及脾臟 ( spleen ) 被转化为結合型胆红素 (conjugated bilirubin),而后被排入胆管 ( bile duct ),然后至胆囊 ( gallbladder ) 儲存,最后经由总胆管再流入十二指肠 ( duodenum ) 中。大部分的胆红素在肠子里会被細菌分解成尿胆素原 ( urobilinogen ),這使得我们的糞便会出現黃褐色。


新生婴儿黃疸种类分为 :

1. 生理性黃疸 physiological jaundice

2. 病理性黃疸 pathological jaundice
a. 溶血性黃疸 hemolytic
·球形红细胞增多症 Spherocytosis
·遗传性椭圆形红细胞 hereditary elliptocytosis
·脓血症 sepsis
·动静脉畸形 arteriovenous malformation
·葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症 G6PD
·丙酮酸激酶缺乏症 pyruvate kinase deficiency
·镰状细胞病 sickle cell disease
·母子血型不合 ( ABORh )
b. 非溶血性黃疸 non-hemolytic
·晚发型母乳性黄疸 breast milk jaundice ( BMJ )
·头血肿 cephalohematoma
·红细胞增多症 polycythemia
·尿道感染 urinary tract infections
·脓血症 sepsis
·Gilbert’s syndrome
·Crigler-Najjar syndrome
·高GI阻碍 high Glycemic Index obstruction

3. 肝脏疾病 hepatic
            ·半乳糖血症  galactosemia
·α-1-antitrypsin deficiency
·囊狀纖維化  cystis fibrosis
·Dubin-Johnson syndrome
·Rotor syndrome
·肝炎 ( AB )  Hepatitis
·TORCH infection

4. 梗阻性黄疸post-hepatic
·胆道闭鎖 biliary atresia
·胆管诸塞 duct obstruction





1. TSB ( Total Serum Bilirubin )。胆红素检测是新生儿黄疸诊断的重要指标,可采取静脉血或微量血方法测定血清胆红素浓度。
2. TcB  ( Transcutaneous Bilirubin )。经皮测胆红素仪为无创的检测方法,操作便捷。
3. Ingram Icterometer



但黄疸不论何种原因,严重时均可引起核黄疸 ( nucleus jaundice )。核黄疸不仅危及生命,也可造成神经系统受损,导致终生致残。当血中胆红素浓度过高时,血中游离胆红素可通过血脑屏障进入脑组织,影响脑细胞的能量代谢,脑细胞因能量不足有变性坏死。


1. 日光浴
2. 光照疗法 phototerapy
光照治疗是一种通过荧光灯照射治疗新生儿高胆红素血症的辅助疗法。蓝、绿或紫外光把胆红素转变成胆绿素 ( biliverdin ),然后通过尿液排出体外。
3. 换血疗法
4. 药物治疗
5. 中药制剂